Thursday, December 9, 2010

Assignment #19: My Very Short Story

A twelve year old boy named Carol who lived in a hidden town on the south of Washington. With his four bothers, three sisters, mother, and father. It was about to be his 13th birthday that and Carol was exited for his upcoming birthday until he started to notice all his past present were not all that great. For his first birthday he got a wooden bed, second birthday a wooden horse, third birthday a wooden car, and so on and on, he wondered why.

Carol decided to approach his parents and confront them about the situation. So the next morning he went up to his mother and father, and said "mom dad" "why are my presents always made of wood? you know for my birthday I really want this R/C car i saw in the telly". He went on and on about his perfect birthday toy, his mom and dad explained how they could not afford something like that at the moment and as much as they would like to buy a lot of stuff for their children they could not, as they were not a wealthy family.

Carol did not understand this and that night Carol went to bed with out supper as he was very upset . He was unhappy and mad, he hated his toys, so he decided if his parents weren't going to buy him what he wanted he was! He went off to sell his toys, the toy his father and mother worked so much to buy for him. The day of his birthday came and Carol's mom made a special supper for him and he had a beautifully raped gift on the table. He was not to exited about the present as he was expecting the same thing as every year. So he decided to go up to his room and bring down the R/C car he had bought for him self.

He showed everyone and started playing with it , his mother said "Carol where in god did u get that toy?" Carol responded "I bough it my self Mommy" and continued playing . Carols mom was upset and felt sad as Carol didn't open his present they had got him. The next morning Carol was playing with his new toy and he didn't want to share with his bothers and dropped it. The R?C car broke, and Carol so upset he ran to his room to grab another toy and continue playing but then he discovered that he had sold all his toys and realized how selfish and ungrateful he had been and started crying.

His parents went to ask what was wrong, Carol told them what had happen, they smiled and said "its okay my darling, open your present" as his mother handed it to him. Carol unwrapped it and discovered it was the R/C car. His parents had worked a little more that week to afford the present for Carol. Carol said thank you to his parents and ran to play.

Book Report: A Place To Stand

A Place To Stand is written and is about the life of Jimmy Santiago Baca.This is one of the best books I have read. It tells of the struggle of a life of crime and abandonment he went through. He was born in Estancia New Mexico. As a very young boy his mom abandoned him and his family. His dad being a drunk was almost never around and Jimmy stayed with his grandparents and in orphanages and eventually in the D home. With a child hood like that he ended up in prison on drug charges, were he learned to write and read. Soon after he became a published poet and to how we now know him a great poet and author.

This book meant a lot to me because it reminded me of the stories my dad has told me. Since the age of thirteen he has been out of his house trying to make a better life for him self and his family. Fighting discrimination for being a "Mexican" and achieving his goals with his own ability.

Assignment #20: My Christmas Story

Once there was a girl, but no ordinary girl. This girl was by far the most beautiful girl in her town. Just at the age of eighteen every boy and even some men wanted her. Her name was Veronica, she was tall easily six feet with beautiful blue eyes that could light up the darkest of nights. She had long black hair that always seemed to be perfectly curled and the face of an angle with big perfect lips that no man had ever touched. With a body build for a model, everybody thought of her as the perfect girl.

Every girl and woman from Veronica's town hated her for her beauty. They all wanted the attention of the men. But Veronica did not mind this one bit, she was proud of who she was and like her mother told her one day she would meet the most wonderful man and fall deeply in love. But nobody would have ever expected who this man would be. So Veronica just kept living her life, waiting for the day she would meet that very special man.

Veronica lived for the day she would meet that man. She lived a very humble life, with respect to her self and every living thing around her. She would never get into trouble nor would she drink or do any kind of drug. She would help around the house and in her community. always trying to make the world a better place to live and prosper as a humanity. She had very interesting thoughts about how life should be and wished for the day she could do something big to help those who needed to cheer up on life.

One Christmas a very snowy Christmas Veronica for the first time in her life she was feeling lonely, very lonely. At this time she was 23 and still she had not met that man that she would fall deeply in love with. But on the night of Christmas she finally met this man. In the middle of night Veronica was awaken by a loud sound coming from downstairs. She decide to go down and investigate what that strange noise was. At her surprise what was making the noise was the last person she would of expected, Santa Clause.
As soon as she saw him she knew. She knew he was the man, the man her mother had always spoken of, the one she would fall in love with.Santa also thinking the same thing, but very surprised left as fast as he could leaving Veronica in shock for what she had felt.

For the whole year after that Christmas both Veronica and Santa couldn't get that moment out of their heads. For years after that every Christmas Santa returned to visit Veronica. They would talk for hours until he had to go. But when Veronica was thirty she proposed something, why just see each other once a year? and after that she left with him in the dead of night to live with him in the North Pole among all the elf's.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Assignment #16: My Journey

I awoken from what seemed an eternity of deep sleep, feeling as if my body and soul were reborn, in a new world a strange wonderful world. I was in an old cabin, I could tell it was old by all the cot webs I was seeing, as if nobody had cleaned or even been there in years. This cabin had but one room, the living room, a small bathroom and the kitchen with a small dining room, "more of a house than a cabin", I thought as I explored the cabin's interior. This cabin was a little creepy with animal heads all over the walls in almost every room, all of the heads covered in webs from the many spiders running around. All this heads appeared to be looking at me as I looked at them, this along with all the spiders was really making me want to leave this place. But yet I stayed, something in me kept telling me I must explore more. Everything in the cabin was vintage furniture, with red pinkish sofas, a beautiful brick fireplace that for some reason had wood in it and was lit, and even a stove that used wood. The whole cabin with the exception of the fireplace was made of wood, what appeared to be whole logs. At last I decided it would be best if I left and headed towards the front door.

Out side there was a meadow with tall yellow grass and giant trees all along the sides of the meadow, as if it was a road, a road I was meant to take. As i started to walk down the meadow I saw how truly big it was, It extended for more than a mile. But not even this stopped me from getting to the other side of what seemed to be its own world in this meadow. I could see wild horses running and grassing from the only part of this meadow where there was short green young grass. This grass smelled freshly cut, this was the best thing I had ever smelled, it filled me with an intense sensation to just lay there and never leave, it was as if I was in paradise and I was experiencing eternal peace. But some how I just knew I had to get across the meadow and to the mountain on the other side, I had to explore, to climb that mountain to the very top to wear I could feel the clouds go through my fingers like water through rocks. I began to run as fast as I could without any breaks I ran nonstop to what seemed to be an end less run to the end of this meadow and the bottom of this gigantic mountain that seem to call to me in an desperate voice to start my climb to the top.

As I reached the foot of this enormous mountain I started my climb with no second thinking, not even the smallest sign of hesitation. As I was climbing I could smell wet dirt as I it had just rained, but yet the ground was dry as a desert's sand. I could hear small rottens and squirrels running all around me as if I interrupted their everyday lives. There were tall pine tress all around me, this trees were pretty much all I could see until I reached the boulders. Just above the tree line there lay a section of the mountain that had nothing but rocks some as big as cars. Yet as I stood in between the trees and the rocks something in me clicked and said you must over come this and make it to the top. So I kept on moving, the terrain in the rocks was much harder to walk every footstep I took I slid down a little on the loose rocks, it was as I was taking one step forward and two steps back. Then I thought what if I just stick to the bigger of the rocks, sure this meant I might have to jump from rock to rock but at least I was moving forward.

When I finally overcame the rock section I reached the peak of the mountain, which was flat very unexpected I thought. It was all plain with the exception of a couple of small rocks. But then I saw a small patch of grass with some sort of statue. From where I was I couldn't really tell what the statue was, so I decided to take a closer look. As I approached the statue I saw that it was a giant Buddha. I was pretty surprised with what I was seeing I never expected to see a giant Buddha statue at the top of this very mountain. The statue appeared to be made of a violet marble. I tried turning around from it but I couldn't I lust stood there in aw of what I was seeing. Suddenly I felt peaceful and rested as if I had just woken from my sleep. I just laid in font of this statue, in the greenest, softest grass I had ever touched, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Assignment #18 My Poem

"We live to die"
We must live and let live
Until the day the call is made
The call of eternal peace
The call is unexpected
One day you live
The next you die
Life is no game
If you mess up
You have no spare
No reset button
No second chance
"We live to die"

Monday, November 15, 2010

Assignment 15: Multiple Intelligence Essay

Once there was a boy with such peace, peace that most adults dreamed of. This boy went by the name of John Lee. Even as a ten year old he had mastered the art of meditation and Kung Fu. Not even the most known fighter could defeat him, if he would fight. John Lee only defended him self from the world and the attacks of those who envied his peace. But people didn't just envied him because of his peace, but because of his teachings.

He taught of inner peace and over coming everything the world throws at you. But the adults did not approve, they thought a boy couldn't teach them about peace in life. John mainly taught other children, he did this because he thought as adults as a full cup, they couldn't truely learn the abaility to gain peace and happiness in ones life. He taught in many different ways, but mainly with mother nature and her teachings.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Assignment #14: Uniforms

I am writing this as the word of the students of Atrisco Heritage Academy High School. We the students think we have a say in this matter, we are after all what makes this school the school that it is. For me the best in the city, no the best in the state. I am writing to express the opinion of the students to the matter of giving us uniforms at school. I am speaking to the principle and to our school board; we do not need nor want uniforms at our school. We deserve and need the freedom to dress in whatever manner we choose to.
To start this I ask you one question, why dress us the same? We are not the same. The person siting to my right is not the same as me, nor the person to my left, we all are different in almost every way possible. By doing this you will take away one of our only liberties we as students of Atrisco Heritage have. We can’t use our phones or our iPods in the only free time we get, we can’t eat except for in the cafeteria, it is almost impossible to find a sit in there. Every single one of us is a person, with feeling and opinions, we all deserve to have our freedoms even as teenagers in high school.
By giving us uniforms you are classifying us, why do this? Why classify us? For our whole life’s we are taught that we different, that nobody is the same. Since I was just a little boy even if it was from my family or a teacher I was taught and encouraged to stand out, to express my differences and become myself. Yet here at this time and year you choose to change what we have all learned through our whole life’s, you choose to put us down and classify us by evening thinking of assigning us uniforms. I and every other student say no, no to taking away our freedom, no to uniforms at this or any other high school.
You are taking from us one of the ways we express our self’s. You think we all dress the same, but we don’t. We all express our self’s in the way we dress, sure it’s not the only way we express our self’s. But it is probably the most common way of teenage expression. Even as teens we have a voice, and our clothing is one big part of this voice. It’s as if our cloths spoke and told stories of our lives, where we have been, what we have done and accomplished. By assigning us uniforms you decide to judge us for not only what we wear, but for whom we are. You judge the person we are by the way we dress, even as a teenager I know not to judge a book by its cover, because once you open it you know it is great with every page you turn.
No one, no student would or ever prefer to wear a uniform instead of their clothes. Our clothes makes us who we are, it expresses our personality. Uniforms are all the same, dull and life less; they all say the same thing, with no way of changing them to fit our personality. Everybody not just teenagers like what they wear, this is why they wear what they wear.