Thursday, December 9, 2010

Book Report: A Place To Stand

A Place To Stand is written and is about the life of Jimmy Santiago Baca.This is one of the best books I have read. It tells of the struggle of a life of crime and abandonment he went through. He was born in Estancia New Mexico. As a very young boy his mom abandoned him and his family. His dad being a drunk was almost never around and Jimmy stayed with his grandparents and in orphanages and eventually in the D home. With a child hood like that he ended up in prison on drug charges, were he learned to write and read. Soon after he became a published poet and to how we now know him a great poet and author.

This book meant a lot to me because it reminded me of the stories my dad has told me. Since the age of thirteen he has been out of his house trying to make a better life for him self and his family. Fighting discrimination for being a "Mexican" and achieving his goals with his own ability.