Monday, November 15, 2010

Assignment 15: Multiple Intelligence Essay

Once there was a boy with such peace, peace that most adults dreamed of. This boy went by the name of John Lee. Even as a ten year old he had mastered the art of meditation and Kung Fu. Not even the most known fighter could defeat him, if he would fight. John Lee only defended him self from the world and the attacks of those who envied his peace. But people didn't just envied him because of his peace, but because of his teachings.

He taught of inner peace and over coming everything the world throws at you. But the adults did not approve, they thought a boy couldn't teach them about peace in life. John mainly taught other children, he did this because he thought as adults as a full cup, they couldn't truely learn the abaility to gain peace and happiness in ones life. He taught in many different ways, but mainly with mother nature and her teachings.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Assignment #14: Uniforms

I am writing this as the word of the students of Atrisco Heritage Academy High School. We the students think we have a say in this matter, we are after all what makes this school the school that it is. For me the best in the city, no the best in the state. I am writing to express the opinion of the students to the matter of giving us uniforms at school. I am speaking to the principle and to our school board; we do not need nor want uniforms at our school. We deserve and need the freedom to dress in whatever manner we choose to.
To start this I ask you one question, why dress us the same? We are not the same. The person siting to my right is not the same as me, nor the person to my left, we all are different in almost every way possible. By doing this you will take away one of our only liberties we as students of Atrisco Heritage have. We can’t use our phones or our iPods in the only free time we get, we can’t eat except for in the cafeteria, it is almost impossible to find a sit in there. Every single one of us is a person, with feeling and opinions, we all deserve to have our freedoms even as teenagers in high school.
By giving us uniforms you are classifying us, why do this? Why classify us? For our whole life’s we are taught that we different, that nobody is the same. Since I was just a little boy even if it was from my family or a teacher I was taught and encouraged to stand out, to express my differences and become myself. Yet here at this time and year you choose to change what we have all learned through our whole life’s, you choose to put us down and classify us by evening thinking of assigning us uniforms. I and every other student say no, no to taking away our freedom, no to uniforms at this or any other high school.
You are taking from us one of the ways we express our self’s. You think we all dress the same, but we don’t. We all express our self’s in the way we dress, sure it’s not the only way we express our self’s. But it is probably the most common way of teenage expression. Even as teens we have a voice, and our clothing is one big part of this voice. It’s as if our cloths spoke and told stories of our lives, where we have been, what we have done and accomplished. By assigning us uniforms you decide to judge us for not only what we wear, but for whom we are. You judge the person we are by the way we dress, even as a teenager I know not to judge a book by its cover, because once you open it you know it is great with every page you turn.
No one, no student would or ever prefer to wear a uniform instead of their clothes. Our clothes makes us who we are, it expresses our personality. Uniforms are all the same, dull and life less; they all say the same thing, with no way of changing them to fit our personality. Everybody not just teenagers like what they wear, this is why they wear what they wear.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Assignment#10 "Bulling"

Bulling, me as a junior in high school knows all too well about bulling. Although I’ve never really been seriously bullied I have been bullied at one time in my life. Everybody goes through something like this in one point in their life’s, some more than others. I don’t really know why people do it; it must just be the only way they know how to show their jealousy towards that person or people.
I can’t really remember much from when I was little. I don’t think I was bullied until I got to middle school. In 6th grade in the only class we had with 8th graders I can remember this one guy that sat with us, me and another friend as 6th grader like me. This guy was clearly older and bigger than us, I think it was his second year in the 8th grade. He got the habit of always hitting us in our arms everyday he went into class. This happened for about two weeks. I didn’t like being hit. Of course not, who in their right minds likes being hit. But after he stopped I didn’t really put much thought into it and just went about my days as a 6th grader the worst year for me.
On other time also in 6th grade I was bullied by another 6th grader. But he wasn’t like me he was a football player, one of the popular kids in school. He didn’t really do much, would just make fun of me, yet for the lights of me I can’t remember anything he used to say to me. I just remember one incident that happened. I walked into my second period of the day, Ms.Skies class a grumpy old lady. As I was walking to my sit this guy grabbed me in a head lock and took me down to the floor. He was telling me to say uncle, so I did I didn’t want to get hurt. But after he let me go I thought to myself “why am I letting this guy be an asshole to me??”, so I decided to act on that moment, I grabbed him just the way he grabbed me and took him down until he said uncle as well. After that he left me alone.