Friday, November 5, 2010

Assignment#10 "Bulling"

Bulling, me as a junior in high school knows all too well about bulling. Although I’ve never really been seriously bullied I have been bullied at one time in my life. Everybody goes through something like this in one point in their life’s, some more than others. I don’t really know why people do it; it must just be the only way they know how to show their jealousy towards that person or people.
I can’t really remember much from when I was little. I don’t think I was bullied until I got to middle school. In 6th grade in the only class we had with 8th graders I can remember this one guy that sat with us, me and another friend as 6th grader like me. This guy was clearly older and bigger than us, I think it was his second year in the 8th grade. He got the habit of always hitting us in our arms everyday he went into class. This happened for about two weeks. I didn’t like being hit. Of course not, who in their right minds likes being hit. But after he stopped I didn’t really put much thought into it and just went about my days as a 6th grader the worst year for me.
On other time also in 6th grade I was bullied by another 6th grader. But he wasn’t like me he was a football player, one of the popular kids in school. He didn’t really do much, would just make fun of me, yet for the lights of me I can’t remember anything he used to say to me. I just remember one incident that happened. I walked into my second period of the day, Ms.Skies class a grumpy old lady. As I was walking to my sit this guy grabbed me in a head lock and took me down to the floor. He was telling me to say uncle, so I did I didn’t want to get hurt. But after he let me go I thought to myself “why am I letting this guy be an asshole to me??”, so I decided to act on that moment, I grabbed him just the way he grabbed me and took him down until he said uncle as well. After that he left me alone.