Wednesday, April 7, 2010


One time I had to be brave was when a very close family member tried to hurt them self. It was a very quite Saturday night, we had thrown a party that day and there was a pretty big fight. an actual fist fight, though nobody got hurt at least I thought that at that moment.
That night I heard some noises, noises that forever will stay in my head reminding me of that horrific night. At first I didn't pay much attention to the strange noises. But before I could open my eyes I hear my dad screaming at me to wake up. When I got up I was lost as if what I was seeing wasn't real, as if I was still asleep. As I got out of my room I saw her, her eyes appeared as if she was gone, nothing but a dull expression on her face. As I was seeing all this my mom was screaming to get me to talk to the 911 operator. At this I felt something that just made me be brave and not brake down when my family needed me the most.
I had to tell the operator everything that was going on, how old my sister was, what she had taken, even about my parents. Next thing I know my brother and his wife arrive, even before the ambulance. My sister in law took over from there she speaking to the operator. At that point we just had to keep my sister from falling asleep.
I remember my mom keeping her self from crying, I could see the pain she was going through seeing her only daughter slowly falling asleep. The ambulance arrived and then I knew she was going to be okay. As the ambulance drove away, the two people I thought I would never see cry. My brother and father started crying to where my brother could drive or and barly stay standing.